Barbara Rihtar, Slovenia

When I returned from overseas in February 2013, my left knee swelled up overnight.  I was also in so much pain that I could not walk without support.  I went to the emergency room.  There they took pictures of my knee, checked my leg with an ultrasound for possible venous thrombosis, and then they punctured my knee.  When the doctors discovered on examination that I had returned from the Far East, they began to suspect that it might be highly resistant bacteria.  They admitted me to the internal clinic, took punctate samples, and immediately started treating me with very strong antibiotics.  Meanwhile, my knee got poked again and I got a cold compress.  A few days later it turned out not to be bacterial and I was discharged from hospital with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, advised to put cold packs on my knee and prescribed knee pain pills.  After three months of such treatment, I could only walk on a flat surface without support, although my condition improved very slowly.  I decided to help myself in another way.So I met Vaidya Nithi  Based on pulse diagnostics he determined that I had a knee problem due to a pinched nerve in the lower back.  He prescribed me 14 days of therapeutic massages, healing compresses and diet.  I strictly followed the prescribed diet.  After two months, my condition improved a lot and my left leg stopped limping.  I can already go for a short walk.  By September, I was usually able to take long walks and do some yoga exercises.  I can climb the stairs without holding on to the railing.  Since December last year, I have been able to do all the yoga exercises I used to do before.I had another problem that disappeared during treatments.A few years ago, the skin on my legs began to itch at certain points.  The itching was unbearable and I scratched my skin until it bled.  Itching continued for a long time in the affected areas.Vaidya Nithi told me that it is due to poor liver function.  Since starting the diet, the unbearable itchiness has disappeared.Thank you.