Sinusitis refers to the inflammation of sinuses, the empty cavern in the bony scull. As a result a patient has a blocked sinus, which lining is swollen, red and filled with fluid. Due to this a headache can occur. The term “sinusitis” is usually referred to only bacterial infection of sinuses, while each viral cold will cause stuffed or blocked sinuses. The acute stage of the disease is characterized by its relatively short duration up to 4 weeks, which after several occurrences can develop into subacute sinusitis, lasting for 10 weeks, beyond which the condition will be referred to as chronic. There are different causes and approached to treat, depending on the type of sinusitis.
What causes sinusitis?
The blockage in the opening of a sinus associated with a tumour or growth will cause sinusitis, where a surgical intervention is needed. Another common cause is the presence of bacteria due to stagnated mucus. Mucus staying in the lining can be attributed to the damaged cilia, tiny hair inside the nasal passage. Their purpose is to help to move the mucus, so too dry air, smoke or other toxic substances in the air can harm them. Food allergies are also among the frequent causes of sinusitis.
How Ayurveda explains the causes:
Any imbalance, which weakens the immune system and hence triggers inflammation can be at the roots of sinusitis. These include toxins accumulation, poor regimen, physical and mental stress, non-adequate nutrition and digestion, cases when the nervous system goes down.
Common treatment with drugs which address symptoms is not efficient in many cases, as the approach usually involves antibiotics therapy, which will bring even more harsh imbalance, thus creating complications and transition into chronic stage. Moreover, antibiotics will only work with bacterial infection, which usually accompanies sinusitis, but will not target the main cause. A surgery may help for some time, however, in many cases patients will feel as before surgery. The answer is the same: a surgery will only open the canals mechanically, but will not eliminate the initial inflammation. It is very important to balance the immune system, as it is the only trigger of any inflammation and mucus production. It is believed that sinusitis can be treated quite effectively, if a proper treatment course is chosen. There are cases when sinusitis comes back after some time or resolving state, this might suggest there is a second disease like an allergy.
Siddha and Ayurveda treatment
Siddha and Ayurveda takes sinusitis treatment as very important for overall health due to the nasal cavity is a door to the skull cavities and therefore can affect the vital brain activity. Not treating sinusitis can rarely lead to brain bone or marrow inflammation. Ayurvedic treatment of sinusitis is highly effective in all of the cases, however, it can come back, once the balance is lost again. Therefore, it is crucial to follow a healthy regimen even after disease is gone. Administration of herbal medicine together with nasyam proved to be working for sinusitis conditions. A diet should be constructed as though to reduce inflammation and mucus production (Vata-Kapha pacifying diet). Exercising is very advisable even though it might be difficult to breath during movements. However, fitness will increase adrenaline throw into blood circulation, which will constrict blood vessels, this will help easier breathing as a result. Special breathing techniques can be taught to patients with sinusitis. Initial treatment with Ayurveda approach will aim for sinuses drainage to ease pain and breathing. This is done with the help of different types of nasyam. Nasyam is very effective in sinusitis treatment as it uses drugs penetrating through different channels: through ophthalmic veins directly into venous sinuses of brain; absorption by cerebrospinal fluid; absorption via mucous membrane.