
Diabetes is classified as a chronic metabolic disease, signified by the increased lipids and proteins utilization and the reduced one of carbohydrates. It is the absolute or relative deficiency of insulin (produced by pancreas to reduce glucose in blood) that causes diabetes. It leads to hyper- or hypo-glycemia, in more severe cases also to the loss of electrolytes, ketoacidosis and even coma. It will also interfere with the metabolism of minerals, water and salts in one’s body. Currently there are 2 types of diabetes known, type I (-non insulin dependent) and type II (insulin dependent). Type I is usually found in children and young adults, where the body doesn’t produce insulin. This is an autoimmune disease. Type II is the form of developed diabetes in adults. This is more frequent disease than type I. This is not an autoimmune disease. It is acquired through body misfunctioning. Type II can be also diagnosed during second half of pregnancy in some women, whose hormones change the body’s resistance to insulin. It is very common this type of diabetes will go away after the delivery.Diabetes have several complications, such as above mentioned increased blood sugar or decreased blood sugar and chronic complications, where the nerves, eyes, kidney, feet can be damaged, as well as hypersmolar hyperglycaemic state and heart diseases.Treatment of diabetes I can be maintained through a special diet, exercise and insulin injections. Type II diabetes requires a more complex approach, where first the symptoms are treated such as weight reduction (diet and exercise). In severe cases only oral medication and insulin injections can render relief.
Ayurvedic approach
Ayurveda refers to diabetes as Madhumeha, which is a kapha type of disorder. There are 20 types of diabetes, related to each of three main doshas. Ayurveda identifies 4 Vata, 6 Pitta and 10 Kappha related diabetes. It is also referred to as Prameha in Ayurvedic texts, which is the disease of the increased urine production. This is the disorder, influencing the deeper dhatus (so called Maharogas). If not treated on time it will develop into diabetes mellitus (Madhumeha). Ayurveda also believes that irregular eating and exercise habits, as well as overweighting can cause diabetes. Since each type of diabetes is based on imbalance of different doshas, a diet and treatment will differ in each particular case.The treatment course will first aim to detoxify the body to restore the initial balance of all three doshas, which will bring metabolism of all bodily systems into the harmony. Then, there is a number of herbs known to Ayurveda, which will lower the blood sugar, which construct the main component of kashayams. Among them one can find very generic ones such as turmeric, garlic, onion, neem others. A special regimen should be followed by patients to balance doshas in focus.As with any other chronic diseases, one should not rely on herbal medicine alone as a miracle remedy, only coupled with proper diet and exercise Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes can be efficient. Those, dependent on insulin, must be very careful and may not refuse from conventional medications at once. We recommend you to consult your nearest Ayurvedic doctor/Vaidya for any treatment, and never initiate self-treatment. It is always safe to get diagnosis from your doctor and go through regular check ups.

Ayurveda Treatment are meant to improve your well-being through application of ancient healing tradition which originated in India 5000 years ago.Vaidya Nithi Ayurveda in Ljubljana Slovenia offering treatments for illnesses such as eczema,psoriasis,rheumatic arthritis,diabetes,back pain,gynecology problems,sinusitis,migraines among many others.

 Our Detoxification and Massaging treatments employ a combination of Ayurvedic & Siddha techniques, passed down from earlier generations of Nithi’s family, marma martial arts, yoga stretching postures and breathing techniques.In our practice we only use materials (such as herbs and oils), that are chemical free and not tested on animals.

 Proper discipline, diet, exercise, rest, moral and spiritual practice in your daily routine & responsibilities will promote good, healthy and harmonious life.

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